President's Message

Dear Alumni, Friends and Guests

2003 has been a very exciting and eventful year for our alumni association.

30 years ago, Ms. Liu and a handful of alumni gathered together and formed the alumni association in Ontario. Since then, our association has continued bringing alumni together in Ontario. With a total of about 200 alumni, it is a very encouraging sign.

Despite the SARS/West Niles/Mad Cow crises, our 30th anniversary event was successful and memorable. My thanks go out to all the participants for your support and the executive directors for your dedication and hard work. I want to especially thank Tom, our recreation director who recorded a "priceless" CD as our 30th anniversary's souvenir. Of course, I must not forget to thank all the "singers" involved, you are awesome!

Our AGM this year is being held just prior to the start of our Christmas party. It is my pleasure to announce that our entire Board of Directors will serve you once again this coming year.

Our goals are to continue organizing recreational activities and annual events, publishing newsletter and most of all, constantly update our website in order to reach out to the alumni globally.

This year we have abolished the membership fee. To generate enough funds to support our goals we would urge you to contribute donations to the association.

This alumni association belongs to every one of you and I sincerely hope that you will continue your support to the association. Together we will make it a success!

I wish you all a prosperous new year and good health!

Yours sincerely

Lana Hsu