Kenneth Fung ˇ¦58
by Tom Ng

In your illustrious life as a clergyman what is the

T. Most embarrassing moment
K. My most embarrassing moment as a clergyman occurred during the first year I arrived in Toronto. I went to church on Sunday, not knowing there was a time change, and was late. I was surprised to see someone at the pulpit substituting for me.

T. Funniest moment
K. The funniest moment was when I walked into the Roman Catholic Book Centre in Hong Kong with my collar on and was asked whether I was a "Father". It was so funny To see the girl looking confused with my answer: I am a: ˇ§Father and I am not yet a father and want to be a fatherˇ¨.

T. Saddest moment
K. The saddest moment(s) was (were) when some parishioners were so self-righteous and called other church members name.

T. Rewarding moment
K. The most rewarding moment(s) was (were) when someone was baptized (be it by myself or by someone else) because of my influence.

What is your view on:

T. Retirement
K. Retirement-- time to start a new chapter in life. For myself, I am free to spend more time preaching the Gospel without being tied down by administrative work. People seem to enjoy my sermons better and more often after my retirement.

T. People who blame God (for everything)
K. People who blame God (for everything) are those who enjoy life less. If we can find more things to laugh about (even laughing at or with God), we can always find something to make us laugh, even in unhappy circumstances, and will be less likely to blame others. We will like ourselves more and will be happier.

T. Alumni Association
K. I always think St. Markans(of our time) have a kind of spirit that tells us we are from the same school. Our spirit, I think, is affected by the honor system and the Christian social mindset which makes me proud of being a St. Markan. The alumni association is trying to uphold this fellowship and spirit for caring for others. The present committee gives me a lot of this feeling though, as an alumni association, we still have to work much harder to keep up with the level of distinction to which we aspire.

T. When you get angry
K. I know theoretically what anger is about and how to handle it. Practically, I always do it the wrong way; I bottle it. However, I usually get frustrated but not angry, and if I do get angry, its not for long. I think to stay angry with someone (at least to show someone that I am angry at him/her) is to let that person have an advantage over me. I won't give that person this opportunity.

T. Being grandpa
K. Being a grandpa gives me a new meaning in life. There are lots of thing I want to do but cannot because of old age. I used to ask why I should be old and handicapped in many ways. Now, being a grandpa, I know there is so much to enjoy in life and in old age.

T. Finally, this is the kind of question I would never be able to ask any ordinary Chinese except you. What do you think your epitaph would be, if it were not written by you? And if it were written by you, what would it be?
K. My epitaph should say "This guy has lived".