President¡¦s Message

It is hard to believe that the Annual Christmas party/AGM, the ultimate event of the year, is here again. This event will be held on December 1, 2006 at the Shangrila Convention Center. The spectacular entertainment, beautiful location and delicious food will no doubt make the party a memorable one.

I am proud and pleased to report that the summer BBQ in August was phenomenal. We were delighted to have overseas alumni participating - Andy Sae from L.A., Lillian Tang from UK, Kam Yuk Ching from Vancouver, Karen and Peter Chung from Edmonton and Rosanna Chan from Hong Kong. Over 80 alumni and their family gathered together for a fun - filled afternoon. The working team was overjoyed with the encouraging feedback.

I urge you to visit our newly designed website regularly at to keep up-to-date with all our news and events.

This is the 18th issue of our newsletter. I must say that this project is an utmost success. We continue to receive compliments from all over the world which make us all proud. Special thanks go to the editorial committee and all involved, especially the writers of the articles. We appreciate very much the generous financial contribution to our publication from the BC chapter. We are truly grateful to our beloved teacher, Ms.Ho Kok Wong, who continues to edit the English articles and without whose help and support the newsletter would not have achieved such success.

I am deeply honored to have completed 2 terms of presidency. During the last 4 years, I have been fortunate to be working with an excellent and dedicated team of board members. Most of all, I have to thank all the alumni for your participation and support. I would like to wish my successor all the best and I know that you will all lend him/her your support in the year to come.

Wish you all a very happy holiday and good health.

Yours truly,

Lana Hsu ¡¦64