Regards From SMSAA (BC)

St. Mark's alumni with family and friends picnic/BBQ
at Buntzen Lake in Porty Moody, BC July 7, 2007.

April 17, 2007

Dear Raymond,

On behalf of the St. Mark's School Alumni Association (British Columbia), I wish to send my best wishes to you and all the alumni of Ontario in the year of the Board!

I wish to inform you that the following directors and officers have been elected for 2007-2009 as a result of the SMSAA (BC) Annual General Meeting held on March 24, 2007:-

President : Terence Teng 1957
Vice President : Peter Chan 1968
Secretary : Catherine Kwong 1963
Treasurer : May Chung 1970
Directors: Eddie Ho 1961
Joseph Jue 1963
Leo Lee 1967
Bruce Mak 1962
David Wong 1965
Tracy Leung 1968
Advisor : Margaret Tsang Teacher

The good relations between the Ontario and British Columbia St. Markans had been evidenced by the active participation from both sides in various events in the past years, the most recent ones being the celebration of the birthday of our teachers Mr. C C Chan and Ms C T Lam in 2005 in Calgary, and the 1961 students' reunion in 2006, of which Mr. Whitney and quite a few Ontario St. Markans attended.

We sincerely hope that we will continue with our good liaison and cherish our friendship by organising more activities in the future.

As a token of our thanks to your Association in including our news in your newsletter, we will again make a donation to your Association in the sum of $200 for 2007.

Yours truly

Catherine Kwong
St. Mark's School Alumni Association, (BC)
