
張蘭兒     ‘62

各位校友好,我們卡城老師和校友向你們問候。近年來卡城經濟相當好,屋價狂升,但是物價亦相繼提升,是好是壞,則見仁見智。老師們身體康健,車鎮强和林國香校友都搬了去多倫多定居,本來無甚可談。想起最近富麗華酒家結業 就以此題發揮吧!


即使平常日子,我們各校友都會偕家人朋友在哪裡用餐,是一個很受歡迎的聚合地點。在哪裡,每每都會遇見老師或一兩個校友,彼此就趁機親切的閒話家常或互通訊息,多年來這個酒家给我們一種温馨的感覺, 真的有自家飯堂的享受。

相信很多美加或香港校友都不會忘記這個酒家,在這裡我們曾經渡過很多難忘的回憶:例如 1996 聖馬可校友北美聯歡會,2001聖馬可卡城校友會成立十週年的歡迎晚會,2005 藍老師和陳老師八十大壽的歡迎晚會, 和 2006 六一年校友畢業45週年路經卡城的聯誼晚宴。

梁氏家族經營了十七年,決定在本年五月結業。天下無不散的筵席,濃情凝聚,無限依依!且讓盛筵暫歇,期待來日華宴再續吧。這將會是另一個的開始, 祝梁氏家族萬事如意!

The following is an invitation from Karen Leung ( 周 桂 清 )

Dear Friends,

It is with sadness and Joy to bring you this news: Edgemont Palace Restaurant is going to change hands. Our last day is Mother's Day (May 13th). Eric and I (of course including Stephen, Vanessa, and Ryan) want to thank all of you for your loyal and unconditional support over the last 17 years through the good and bad times (food-wise!)

Just like what Vanessa said to me the other day, we've all grown up with Edgemont Palace. We celebrated numerous happy occasions together: surprise parties, birthdays, anniversaries, reunions, weddings, new babies, etc, etc! Lots and lots of memories and you were all part of it.

Thank you once again, dear alumni friends. Your love and support for our restaurant (and me!) over all these years is greatly appreciated and will be forever remembered.

I would like to invite you all out for a casual dinner buffet this Friday, May 11th at 7:00p.m.  Hope to see you all to celebrate with us an end of a chapter but the beginning of a wonderful new story.

Sincerely (and forever grateful),

Karen, Stephen, Vanessa, & Ryan